Member Videos are now
Mad-City One Act Show and Ballet line from '07 Nationals
Wonderlake Full Pyramid from 2007 Nationals.
Badgerland 1988 State Finals. Barefoot, Jump etc... Footage by DyneGreg1
Chain Skimmers Clown Action taken by DyneGreg in 1981. State Competition.
WonderLake Threading the Needle.
Backwater Gamblers ATB 360.
Guam Ski Club video, Disk, trick ski, good footage of older boats cars and skiing from 1970
Guam Ski Club doing a 360, Around the way back in 1971. Click Here to Watch
Pam Miller at Mid-West Regional's. 1998 Pulled by Dyne 18. Swivel Skiing.
Pam Miller 2004 Show Ski Nationals. Pulled by Dyne 17.6xb
Compilation of Club De Skinautiques 50th Anniversary Show.
Guam Ski Team Show Practice in 1970s. Good Old Footage. Click Here to Watch
2006 Evinrude Infomercial featuring 4 ski team, 48 people and one Dyne going for the world record.
Tribute to Ken White. Old Footage from early 60s to Mid 70's.
TwinRigs Hydrodyne getting overhauled at Tom Millers Place in 2005.
TwinRig giving a factory tour of the Old School House in 1984.
Videos Filmed by members of respective boats and families.
Videos of ski teams from all areas of the USA and beyond.
Videos of Hydrodyne boats in action on television and other associated advertisements |
Videos involving historical footage including the old school house. |
Does you ski team have videos that you would like to have up on your team web site? has a 550 gigabyte bandwidth allotment and would be more then happy to host your video. You will be able to put a link on your site. Contact for more information.