Greg and Jim have sent many many videos to work with. I have the first one up (Greg yours are in the process of conversion so it will take me a couple of days). This video is by Jim. It is Jim (Driver), Dynepete (Camera) and SwvSki1 (Skier) on Jim's home lake in Florida.
That video makes me laugh every time I see it. My daughter made me look good. The pull was late and pretty hard. She hung on as usual and made it look easy. Thanks Pam. Thank you Daniel. jim
The way you edited it is very cool. Love the music too! Thanks Daniel! (thanks for editing out the fall too )
Oh yeah, and thanks Dad for making me look good. 8) Hey Greg, I am looking forward to seeing some of your old videos too.
Daniel, I like version 2. The editing and music make a very cool video. I appreciate it. The original played in Windows Video Player and I could have down loaded it. This one plays in a different player and I cannot seem to download it. Is that because of the new rendering? jim
Our team doesn't bother with inboards for atb. I've driven and skied them very successfully in or behind 2 different 18' singles, along with twin and triple 20's. The only time I've succesfully driven one in an inboard was with a wakeboarder, and that's cheating.